
Why counselling?

I believe that effective counselling stems from a trusting relationship, where you have the courage to share, with honesty and vulnerability and I have the desire to listen, with compassion and empathy.

Counselling is not about telling you what to do; nor is it is a conversation with friends or family.  I understand the value of being able to speak with someone independent, when you do not feel able to share with loved ones.

Are you struggling with stress, anxiety, anger, low moods or maybe a mix of emotions that have become overwhelming?

It may be that you are experiencing grief, loss, panic, ruminating thoughts or struggling with sleep.

Sometimes, relationship issues, work pressure, changes in circumstances and life, in general, seem unbearable.

Are you looking for space and time to discuss your worries with someone independent, professional and caring?

I will listen to you, with non-judgement, kindness, empathy and validation. Together, we can build a relationship of trust and work side by side to explore ways to find balance, emotional stability and build resilience.

I offer short term therapy, focusing on immediate solutions or longer-term work, where you can explore in more depth.



Jacqui Black - BACP Counsellor